Thursday, January 6, 2022

Online Handmade Craft Show

Online Show this Weekend!

I'm excited to share that I'll be in an online handmade show Jan. 7-9 and offering huge discounts on older designs, including samples and prototypes. 

Mark your calendars now and come on down.

Where: on Facebook
What: Winter Wonderland Virtual Craft Show 
When: Jan. 7-9, 2022

You'll either be invoiced by PayPal or directed to my Etsy shop to purchase the items. 

Can't make a purchase right now? It's OK. 
You can help continuing to support me by:

  • Liking, commenting and sharing my posts on Facebook and Instagram with your friends on your channels.
  • Participating in my Facebook Live events.
  • Encouraging me to continue designing.
  • Telling others where you got your jewelry when you received compliments.
  • Sharing my Etsy Shop with your friends.


Shabbat Zachor & Purim

Shabbat Zachor 2025 / שַׁבָּת זָכוֹר 5785 Shabbat of Remembrance Shabbat Zachor for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Friday, 7 March 2...