Tuesday, October 8, 2024

High Holidays: Living with the Bitter and the Sweet

Shana Tovah! 

The days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur are filled with introspection, and spiritual renewal.

I had written a different email to send out, but words from my rabbis (from Romemu Synagogue) on Rosh HaShanah blew me away, and I'd like to share some with you. Note that any misinterpretation or errors are on my part and not theirs.

Since Oct. 7, we're caught in between celebrating the New Year with joy and the horrible atrocities happening in Israel and around the world. "We realize how precious, short, and fragile life truly is; and that it could be over in an instant." 

Rabbi Dianne suggested we pay attention to the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Akedah and the different names for G-d. At first, G-d is called "Ha Elohim" commanding strict judgment. Later, "Adonai YHVY" or compassion is used. We must listen closely for the (the angel's ) softer voice telling Abraham to stop and not kill Isaac. After this Abraham and Isaac don't speak again.It shatters the family, and Sarah dies soon after. 

Holiday Aprons

Jewish liturgy links the ram’s horn (shofar) blown on Rosh Hashanah to the ram that Abraham offered in place of Isaac and sees the sounding of the shofar as a way to remind God of Abraham’s total obedience and to pardon Abraham’s descendants on the basis of his great merit. 

Do we choose to listen to the harsh voices of judgments of political leaders and celebrities that divide us or listen to the still, small voice of Adonai? Years ago, I learned about the need to be quiet and listen to G-d's still, small voice instead of yelling at each other and often I forget (my thought). 

Rabbi David suggests we become unified "Am Yisrael B'yachad" to be together and focus on something bigger that unites us. We were invited to imagine the shofar as a narrow constricting place of the tunnels of Gaza, where our people are being held against their will. We were invited to blow air into that space, to fill it up to set them free. My lungs are tired from blowing my air. I hope that you'll join me in blowing air into that narrow space to bring our hostages home (if only it were that easy). 

Shabbat napkins 

Breast Cancer 

I'm grateful for my 9th year as a breast cancer survivor. 

Sukkot starts Oct. 16

My heart is heavy for all the tsuris that Israelis and Americans are facing daily. I pray that G-d gives us all strength and courage for the New Year. 

As Jews, we're already used to experiencing "both the honey and the sting" simultaneously.

I pray that, in the New Year, the sting lessens and that the honey spreads over our lives with joy, peace, health, and prosperity. 

May we all be written and sealed in the book of Life in 5785 and may G-d give us all peace, strength, and courage to live our lives as fully as we can. 

I pray that we are all written and sealed in the Book of Life. Good Yom Tov! ✡️

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Rosh HaShanah Shana Tovah

Selichot is only days away. I am grateful to HaShem for my life and for letting me use my creativity in a way that helps people. 

One of the symbolic foods for Jewish New Year is Pomegranates that symbolize our wish to have a year full of mitzvot and good deeds (the many seeds 613, like the mitzvot).

Shana tovah um'tukah - happy and sweet new year. May you be blessed with health, joy and happiness. 

Happy 5785. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The big reveal – dun dun dunn dunn

The big reveal – dun dun dunn dunn

Thanks to your purchases of Jewish items, I'll be donating a portion of sales to Magen David Adom soon. 

I'm marking down prices in my Goimagine shop to clear out inventory. Have a look around and please let me know if you have any questions. 

I know it's early, but I'm looking ahead to Sukkot, Breast Cancer Awareness, Hanukkah, and Christmakkuh.

For more Sukkot designs, please click here.

On September 15, I celebrated my ninth Breast Cancerversary, so I designed a few ornaments, and sweatshirts for breast cancer survivors

See more Ornaments.

I'm adding new designs every day so please check out my shops.

Comment below to tell me your favorite item from this blog post.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Act Now: Help Fund Critical Care in Israel during Elul

Giving charity is a mitzvah during the Hebrew month of Elul to tip the scales of each person being seen as being generous and compassionate. 

I am proud to support Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency medical service, by donating a portion of sales proceeds to this vital organization. Together, we can make a difference during this season of reflection and giving. 

Purchase any Jewish item from 9/9 - 9/19 and I will make a 10% donation of my proceeds to Magen David Adom.

Last year, these napkins were popular

Handmade Jewish Designs

Wire Kippah (Discounted)

Sammy and the remote

Sammy the cat and the remote

Post a pic of your favorite 4 legged family member in the comments. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

3 Facts About Jewish New Year

Happy Labor Day! 

Erev Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the High Holiday season (Rosh HaShanah) starts at sundown on Wednesday, October 2, It's the Jewish New Year 5785

1. My mom taught me to get something new for the New Year. It's the Shabbat of All Shabbats. 

2. Did you know that there are at least 5 Names for the Jewish New Year?

  • Rosh Hashanah literally means "Head of the Year" because Rosh Hashana marks the point when we begin the new calendar year.
  • Yom Harat Olam means "The Birthday of the World."
  • Yom Hazikaron means "The Day of Remembering."
  • Yom Hadin means "The Day of Judgment."
  • Yom Teruah means "The Day of Sounding (the Shofar)." This is the actual name that the holiday is called in the Torah.*

3. We hear the shofar every day– a wake-up call to jostle us, to seriously taking stock of what we’ve done all year and make sure we are worthy of being written into the Book of Life. God sits in judgment, deciding whether or not we have merited to be inscribed in the divine book of life.

Please place your Rosh HaShanah orders by Sept 20 to ensure delivery on time. 

 Vote YES to see these memorial cat ornaments by commenting yes on this blog. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hanukkah and Winter Collection

Hanukkah and Winter Collection

I'm in winter collection mode, creating some new designs for you to gift to yourself and others. 

Elevate your table and home decor with these fun dreidel and menorah table decorations: table runners, napkins, and tea towels. You have a choice of white or dark blue. Click on the links for more info.  

What occasions do you celebrate with ornaments?

Coming soon

Would you like to see personalized cat or ornaments? Comment CAT or dog and I'll design them with you. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pomegranate Perfection for Rosh HaShanah

Did you know that pomegranates are a super important symbol for Rosh Hashanah? With all those tiny seeds, they stand for fertility, good luck, and a sweet new year.

Let me help you shop for the Jewish Holidays. 

This gorgeous table runner design features pomegranates, apples and pomegranate seeds,

Or, choose a more classic design for your napkins. 

To make your Rosh Hashanah table extra special, check out our Jewish Holiday Designs to add that perfect touch of holiday spirit.

Sukkot Charm Earrings 

Wall Hanging 

High Holidays: Living with the Bitter and the Sweet

Shana Tovah!  The days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur are filled with introspection, and spiritual renewal. I had written a different emai...