Monday, September 21, 2020

Autumnal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox

The word equinox comes from the Latin for equal night. It's a day when nighttime and daytime are roughly equal. Astronomically, on the day of the equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator and the days start to grow shorter.

Spiritually, there is also a lot happening during this time as the ebb and flow of energies shifts with the seasons.

On this day, all of us will experience this equality and balance between light and dark energies.

"The scales will be balanced and we will be able to experience the merging of these two energies to the point where we can feel them as one."

Astrologers, in particular, believe the autumnal equinox is all about balance.

Photo by Lynne Baab

That could offer a moment of clarity when you become one with yourself, nature, and those around you.

Many cultures worldwide celebrate this day and the start of a new season, drawing upon its spiritual and symbolic meaning.

  • The Romans, for instance, held the festival of Pomona, linked to the goddess Persephone in Greek mythology.
  • Neopagans will spend this time celebrating Mabon, the second harvest and the creeping approach of winter.
  • The equinox is also linked to Japanese beliefs and falls during the Buddhist celebrations of Higan.

Set Your Intentions

My shaman, Bob, taught me that it is important to set your intentions on the equinoxes and solstices. In the Fall, one plants seeds or goals to realize on the winter solstice. 

It's similar to a meditation or affirmation, but at the end, you set your intention or goal, by saying it aloud in present tense, like it's already happened, and release it to the Universe. Believe it in your heart. Let it go. 


  • Bring yourself to a state of relaxation by using deep breathing and visualization 
  • Use the Divine white light to balance your chakras
  • Check the intention you want to set with your Higher Self 
  • Release any unwanted or negative thoughts or feelings and replace them with positive affirmations 
  • State your goal or intention clearly, lovingly, and 
  • Release it to the Universe 

Peace earrings

Another aspect of the equinox to consider is the longer nights from henceforth - spiritual and physical darkness.

While on the day of the equinox the two are in harmony, moving forward you will have to fight for every bit of sunlight.

This will continue until the day of the summer solstice in chilling December - the first day of winter after which the nights will grow shorter and days longer.

During the autumn and spring equinoxes, the Sun rises and sets at the midpoint between its furthest northern and southern positions, marking a seasonal shift between these two extremes.

Owl Bracelet

Spiritual meaning

  • The owl is a symbol of protection and allows you to see things from a spiritual perspective, in a new way.
  • Owl corresponds to the element air.
  • In the native American tradition, the owl represents sacred knowledge.

In the comments, please tell me if YOU have set your intention
and received it? 



  1. Linda,
    I enjoyed the reading. The exercise is very interesting, I will try it. I shared your blog, and your beautiful creations on Twitter and on the Pinterest board 2020-Handmade shopping guide.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Andrea. Let me know if the exercise works for you.


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