Sunday, August 1, 2021

Peridot August Birthstone


Peridot August Birthstone 

The August Birthstone is peridot. The Zodiac sign is Leo (the Lion) and relates to those born between July 23 and August 22.

The word Peridot is derived from the Greek word "faridat " which means "gem". The peridot (pronounced pear-a-doe) is a pale green variety of chrysolite and used as a gemstone. It is often often referred to as "poor man's emerald.”

The traditional color associated with the Peridot is a lime green color and is a popular gem used in jewelry. 


Peridot is found in Burma, China, and the U.S.

Other birthstones are: Onyx, Diamond, Carnelian, Sardonyx, and Ruby.

Social, religious, biblical, and Christian symbolism were all reflected in the color green. The symbolic meaning of the color green was renewal of life and nature.

Green corresponds with the 4th or heart chakra. It is also a healing and relaxing color to use in mediation.

Peridot is associated with: love, truth, faithfulness and loyalty. 

The traditional metaphysical properties are:  fame, dignity, and protection.

The healing properties are: effective for health problems relating to the lungs, lymph, breast, and sinuses. The peridot is also used to enhance prosperity, growth, and openness.

Note: this is not medical advice for health problems. 

Happy Birthday Leos


Shabbat Zachor & Purim

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