Sunday, September 12, 2021

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement and is part of the High Holy Days, which ends 9/29/21. This post is in loving memory of my parents, Max and Florence. 

Rosh HaShanah was last week, and we continue to do good deeds, make amends to those we have wronged, and work up to asking G-d for forgiveness. 

On Rosh HaShanah, the Book of Life is opened and G-d chooses whether we live or die. On Yom Kippur, the Book of Life is sealed. 

We approach G-d after we have talked to our friends and families, apologizing for any wrongs we may have done, intentionally or unintentionally. As the Talmud teaches, “Yom Kippur does not forgive transgressions between humain beings — until (or unless) s/he seeks forgiveness from him/her (directly).” 


Yom Kippur begins BEFORE sundown and starts with a prayer known as "Kol Nidre" meaning all vows). These are the first words of a special legal formula that is recited at the beginning of this service and is chanted three times. 

On Yom Kippur, we repent for our sins as a community, and declare that any vows we have made are null and void. 

The way to be forgiven is by doing teshuvah (acts of repentance), good deeds, and pledging charity. These are some of my favorite prayers in the liturgy. 

White garments for Yom Kippur


  • Buy something new for Rosh HaShanah and/or Yom Kippur (Did 
  • Wear white for Yom Kippur
    • We wear white, a symbol of purity, to be like the angels
    • The ark curtains and Torah covers are changed to white in shul

  • We fast* and pray for 25 hours, from Yom Kippur Eve to after sundown on Yom Kippur Day. If you are unable to fast for health reasons, don't fast.
  • Also, we abstain from work, entertainment, etc. It's the holiest day of the year. 


  • Memorial Service - Yizkor - it is one of the days when we recite prayers for our loved ones who have passed on. It is appropriate to make a donation in their names. Normally, these services are around noon. 
  • Closing Services - take place right before sundown to give us a last chance for forgiveness. 
  • Break-the-fast - join your Jewish community to break the fast and celebrate life! 

My Experience

I find the entire spiritual and religious experience of High Holy Days to be very cleansing and uplifting, but it IS hard work. I get to start the New Year with a clean slate, and it's refreshing. 

Seeing the the changes in shul to the white Torah covers and the Rabbis wearing white were magical, until I joined the ritual committee and was the one who climbed in the ark to change the curtains and helped others change the prayerbooks (lol). 

As a teenager, I went to services for Yom Kippur with my dad, and we would come home for a nap. My mom met us at the synagogue later for the closing prayers. 

I was brought up Orthodox and my dad (z'l) switched to Conservative services so I could join him. To me, there's something beautiful and special about having a connection with G-d.  

What are YOUR special memories or customers for Yom Kippur or the High Holy Days? 

Yom Kippur Greetings

“G’mar chatima tovah” (a good final sealing.)
"G'mar tov" (short form for wish you are sealed in the Book of Life)
"May you be sealed in the Book of Life"
"Have an easy fast" 

I hope we all are sealed in the Book of Life. 


  1. Although I have many Jewish friends, I never really know all the History of YomKippur - thank you for sharing!!!

    1. Happy to teach; it's one of my favorite topics. Ask me questions any time

  2. wonderful thanks for sharing your beautiful memories and I am so happy to learn something more about Jewish traditions.


  3. Happy to share and teach others. Thanks


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