Sunday, December 12, 2021

Inspiration: Prayer and Hope 12/12

Inspiration: Prayer and Hope

I watched the latest season 5 of the 911 TV Show episode, entitled 'Defend in Place."

In case you're not familiar, the show features Angela Basset, a cop married to Peter Krause, a firefighter and her ex-husband and kids are all part of a family. 

Protection Keyring

Hamsa Keyring

The ex-husband is now gay, and wants to propose to a neurosurgeon, who's performing brain surgery. Yikes! There's an explosion at the hospital, and it's being evacuated. 

All the first responders, fire and police are at the hospital. The brain surgeon patient’s wife is wandering around lost. Angela Bassett sees her and asks if she can help. She takes her hand and she, her ex and the wife start praying. 

  • Around them, others see what they’re doing and begin reaching for other people’s hands. 
  • I’m a sensitive person and cry very easily. Tears of joy and sadness. 
  • Moments of prayer and unity sparked a chord within me; tears even when I related the story later to my hub and friends. 

On TV, of course, patient and surgeon make it out after firemen hold down the place so surgery is complete and everyone makes it out safely. There is hope for tomorrow. 

Hope Dragonfly Bracelet


In real life, sometimes all we can do is pray. Every Shabbat we say the prayer for our country, for leaders and advisers.

Here's a quote about being the light for others.


If you are a praying person, I ask you now to take a moment and say a prayer for the U.S.A. 

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