Friday, March 26, 2021

4 Things About Passover You Need to Know

4 Things About Passover You Need to Know

1. Passover is one of 3 pilgimage festivals when Hebrews traveled to Israel. The other 2 are: Shavuot & Sukkot

Why Matzah?

2. We left Egypt in a hurry and the bread didn't rise, so we commemorate the holiday by eating Matzah and re-telling the story at the Seder. 

Matzah and Wine photo by Linda B

3. Passover is about miracles and freedom from slavery when Moses and G-d brought the Israelites out of Egypt. 

The Four Cups

4. The 4 cups of wine represnt the 4 stages of redemption (G-d told us):

  • 1. I will bring you out (of Eqypt)
  • 2. free you (from slavery) 
  • 3. redeem you 
  • 4. take you as my own people and I will be your G-d. 
Exodus courtesy of Rabbi Tom Samuels

Source: Adult Ed by Rabbi Tom Samuels 


I am so grateful to be alive every day and have a chance to celebrate Passover with members of my community on Zoom. 

This past year, I feel more connected to my Jewish heritage with the ability to visit various U.S. synagogues on Shabbat to listen to different melodies and hear sermons from many learned Rabbis. 

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. 

Passover 2021 on Zoom (again)

Passover on Zoom

Sadly, while it's normally a community and family holiday, this year many of us will be on Zoom. If G-d wills it, next year, we can be together again in person. 

But, wherever you are, John and I wish you a Happy Passover

Happy Passover

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