Thursday, August 13, 2020

Holidays August 17-20

 Holidays August 17-22

August 18 - World Daffodil Day

Daffodils Souce: home depot

Daffodils a symbol in the fight against cancer? Daffodils are a worldwide symbol of life.

In some way and at some time, cancer touches everyone in the entire world. Chances are you or someone you love will have cancer at sometime in their lives. We all certainly know many people who have or had cancer. All over the globe, there are cancer societies and groups organized to help in the fight against cancer, and to find a cure. We strongly encourage you to become active in the fight against cancer. At the very least, make a contribution... give what you can.

Note: This page is in honor of my Aunt Lily, who died from brain cancer that spread. 

The Origin of  Daffodil Day:
We traced a wide variety of Daffodil Day events, dating back at least to 1990. 

August 19 - National Aviation Day 

Aviation Day - Britannica

In honor of the birthday of aviator Orville Wright.

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were pioneer aviators in the United States. Orville was the first person to successfully fly an airplane. His first flight was December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This inaugural flight was soon to change the skies forever.

To a lesser degree, National Aviation Day sometimes honors other early aviation and space pioneers. This day was selected, as it is Orville Wright's birthday. (August 19, 1871)

Origin of National Aviation Day:
This special day was created by a presidential proclamation by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939.

August 20 - World Mosquito Day 

Mosquito ny post

It commemorates the day when the relationship between mosquitos and malaria was identified. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans.

On this day in 1897, the link between mosquitos and the transmission of malaria was discovered by British doctor Sir Ronald Ross. Ross also identified that the female Anopheles mosquito transmits the disease. In 1902, Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery

About 1,500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year. The vast majority of these cases are travelers and immigrants entering the U.S. from parts of the world where malaria is common.

The goal of this special day, is to raise awareness of causes of Malaria, and to learn methods of prevention. With the knowledge that mosquitoes carry other diseases, most notably the dangerous Zika virus, it is even more important today, to be aware, and to understand the necessity of avoid coming in contact with mosquitos.

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine celebrates World Mosquito Day annually, since the 1930s,. They hold exhibitions and parties designed to entertain and to inform people.

Did You Know? At least two million people die each year from malaria and other mosquito born diseases.

The Origin of  World Mosquito Day:
Sir Ronald Ross declared the annual observance of  World Mosquito Day. He did so shortly after his discovery of the linkage between mosquitos and malaria. He felt that this day should be known as World Mosquito Day in future years, to act as a reminder of the educational importance of knowing that mosquitos transmit malaria.

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