Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Breathing and Cats

Breathing and Cats

Quitting Smoking: A Breath of Fresh Air

I'm proud to announce that I'm 7 weeks smoke-free! Smoking had been a part of my daily routine for years, a habit that complicated my life in more ways than one. I had a couple of episodes of feeling unable to breathe that scared me, so I'm using the patch.

It's challenging, and I'm taking one day at a time. Every smoke-free day feels like a victory. I feel lighter without having to make sure I have my cigarettes and lighter everywhere I go. Thank you for continuing to pray for me as I make this transition. 

Out cats Sammy and Tommy

Cats are my Newest Passion

Our 2 cats, Sammy and Tommy, are a source of joy, inspiration and frustration. My love for these furry companions runs deep; their presence brings laughter and cuddles. Since Covid, they've become more spoiled. 

You'll be seeing more of them and other cats in my shop and social media.  

Sammy is trying to teach me to nap all day, and inspired me to make this made to order personalized pillow. 

Judaism is in my heart and I still observe Shabbat and love Shabbos naps with Sammy. 

My new design direction focuses on cat-themed gifts. Adapting to change is hard, but necessary. 

Inspire my future designs ... What CAT OR DOG breeds do you love? 

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